When you’re wanting to keep your face smooth and wrinkle free, it is not a very easy task to accomplish. Wrinkles form on certain areas of the face and body as you get older. Anti-ageing injections are a quick way to smooth out those creases in your skin without having surgery done. 

Dr Strong will take a detailed medical history and assessment to make sure that this is an appropriate treatment for you.

A very small, thin needle is used and generally these injections are not painful. After having the treatment, it tends to last for about 3-4 months. Frequent treatment in less than 3 months is not recommended.

You are expected to see improvements within 3-4 days. The full result may be judged after 2 weeks. You will be advised to keep the target muscles active for a few hours and you should avoid extreme heat or coldness to the injected skin.  

If you are at all concerned about anything you have incurred after your appointment, please contact the practice. To find out more about the treatments which Dr Strong can provide, please contact the practice to arrange a consultation.

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