Denture Stabilisation

If you have loose or ill-fitting dentures, you may find it embarrassing and challenging to eat certain foods, especially in social situations. You might think that you have to accept your loose dentures as a part of life – but they don’t have to be! Thanks to advances in implant dentistry, you can enjoy your favourite foods again and feel comfortable smiling, safe in the knowledge that your dentures are staying put.

Denture stabilisation is a technique that involves your dentures being anchored down in your mouth with dental implants. These small metal implants are placed at specific areas in your jaw and begin to integrate with the bone which makes them firmly settled. Then your dentures are fixed on top of the implants through a range of special fixtures. This means your dentures can still be removed for cleaning, but will stay put once in place. You don’t have to spend hours at the dentist to have this treatment, only a few appointments and you can carry on with your life.


  • Peace of mind – one of the most common concerns is dentures coming loose, but patients with implant-retained dentures can rest assured this will not be a problem. The dentures will be held firmly in place.
  • Improved function – the increased support also helps to improve the function of the dentures. Patients can eat what they want without fear of denture breakage and there is no adverse effect on speech.
  • Aesthetics – implant-retained dentures are designed to look as lifelike as possible and modern designs look very similar to natural teeth.
  • Simplicity – once the implants and dentures have been placed, treatment is relatively simple and there is no need for denture adhesive.
  • Decreased bone loss – dental implants can help to reduce bone loss, which becomes increasingly likely as you get older.
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